morning invitations * a 31 Days gathering

your soul, your body, your home, your screens

- scroll down to get the links to all the posts -

Why this series?  Why right now?

I'm writing because I'm learning.  It's that simple.


The past 6 months has been a wild whirlwind, an endless roller coaster of overwhelming choices and great big changes laced with deepest sorrow upon sorrow.

As a dear mentor so perceptively wrote, 'What a pile up of transition!  Selling your beloved home!  Closing your practice!  Leaving Creekside Community and your NY friends!  Buying a new home!  Packing and packing and pitching and donating and moving!  Then your adored dad passes on ...'

In the weeks that followed her note, I slowly started to catch my breath, began grieving the life-altering losses, and spent precious time with my mama.  I kicked off, turned 60, and started to wonder what community might look like in this new location by the sea.

I truly thought we were finally beginning to round the bend.

And then Jesus came and took our littlest grandchild right on up to his new heavenly home.


If we slow down for just a minute and look inside somewhere deep, we'll discover that there's a missing link, an ongoing craving for a steady grace-filled rhythm to our mornings.  Especially if we're finding the early hours to be unproductive and too random.  Or chaotic and crazed.  Or we're finding our journey to be unsettling, rocky, unknown.  

Some might consider these rhythms as habits or disciplines, must-do's or routines.

But I much prefer to think of these morning cadences as an invitation from God, His direction for our soul's innate yearning for a steady, peaceful, productive daily launch in these pivotal areas of our lives ... 




and yes ... screens

Weekday posts will be intentionally practical yet thought-provoking!  Friday worksheets will guide you in personalizing the week's discoveries so that they align with your needs and schedule, whatever they may be right about now. 

Saturday's posts will offer a bit of soul care.  And on Sundays we'll take a breather, a sabbath rest.
Be sure to sign up to get the series in your email inbox so you can easily print those worksheets.  And not to worry, you're not signing up for anything else.  No lists, no surprises, no newsletters.  And yes, you can easily unsubscribe when the series is over!


This community is filled with warm, supportive women and men where safe, encouraging, Christ-centered conversations are the name of the game.

To thank you for taking the time to leave your two cents whenever you drop in, I'm offering a FREE 30 MINUTE 1 - 1 PHONE COACHING SESSION to 4 random commenters during this 31 Days series!

If you're chosen to receive one of these sessions, we can use your half hour call to look at your morning options, deal with your challenges, or brainstorm your opportunities.  Whatever works for you!  

The giveaway ends on October 31st at 9 am eastern.  
Please limit 1 comment per day!

Ready  .  Set  .  Go!

morning invitations  *  31 Days index 

there's always room for more!
please let your friends know there's a party going on at my place ...
the welcome mat is out and social media links are below!


 Kelly  .  Crystal  .  Holley  .  Lyli  .  Suzie

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