This invitation, this call to a familiar cadence, might be launched with the simple flip of the calendar page. Or a more complex season might emerge because of a seismic shift in a relationship, a job, a calling ... or an opportunity, an illness, a transition or loss of some sort.
This is an invitation worth RSVP-ing YES to. Because life's reality is that our pathway is filled with surprises. Some are most pleasant and hoped for. Others jump out from nowhere, shaking us to our core, gray and unbidden.
We have little control over how our days unfold. So it's a very good thing when we're able to figure out what kind of routines best pave the way for the hours that will follow so that we're equipped with healthy, sane, and wise responses to whatever the Lord allows to come our way.
What I know to be true?
What I know to be true?
When we choose to tend to our souls, bodies, homes, and screens in ways that are winsome and life giving, we will be fortified with a spirit of peace, confidence, and gratitude as the day continues to evolve.
Your schedule is yours and yours alone. Everybody has their own unique opportunities and challenges. What might work for one might not work for the other.
Nothing's cast in stone. Expect to adjust or abandon, tweak or build on your choices as you daily live them out. You might find that some invitations work better mid-day or in the evening.
We're not looking for perfection, but a steadiness of purpose. Our ultimate goal is to honor Christ, not impress anyone else. Let's take the pressure off ourselves to have somehow arrived and realize that we're each in the glorious process of blooming at our own unique pace.
Before you leave, I'd love if you'd ...
1. leave a comment ... it'll put you in the running for the giveaway of one of four FREE 30 MINUTE 1 - 1 PHONE COACHING SESSIONS!
If you're chosen to receive one of these sessions, we can use your half hour call to look at your morning options, deal with your challenges, or brainstorm your opportunities. The giveaway ends on October 31st at 9 am eastern. Please limit 1 comment per day!
1. leave a comment ... it'll put you in the running for the giveaway of one of four FREE 30 MINUTE 1 - 1 PHONE COACHING SESSIONS!
If you're chosen to receive one of these sessions, we can use your half hour call to look at your morning options, deal with your challenges, or brainstorm your opportunities. The giveaway ends on October 31st at 9 am eastern. Please limit 1 comment per day!
2. invite a friend to join you at this gathering ... links to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and email are below!
3. subscribe here so that you can easily print out the Friday worksheets that start next week.