Spying any peaceful bluebirds nesting? Catching a glimpse of random daffodils or tulips pushing their way through the earth's thawing surface?
Spring has officially sprung, finally ... and I know you're joining me in heaving a deep sigh of mingled relief and gratitude that the season of the relentless nor'easters is over and done with.
One can only hope.
I've been penning these end of the month posts since forever. They're fun to pull together because they're personal and there's lots of pictures and resources ... and I don't have to drum up anything terribly profound or noteworthy to set before you.
Simply put, this is where I find myself the last week of each month.
I don't do any social media except LinkedIn ... that's where you'll find my ongoing reading link-list of anything and everything I find remotely fascinating. I'm right there with all the goodies. You need to be a LinkedIn member to read, but it's free to join and not at all difficult to set up your page.
And it's a very good move if you want to connect with others of like mind ... if you volunteer, if you're a writer, if you're in the workplace, if you're in ministry, if you're out and about.
Out of the 60+ links I've shared in March, these are the 8 I'm hand-selecting for you ...
Sarah Bessey
Erin Loechner
Joni Eareckson Tada
Joshua Becker
Jenn Granneman
Kate Wagner
A.J. Swoboda
On a recent late afternoon jaunt to an ocean beach disturbed by yet another storm's vicious high tides, we came across a large hunk of old bricks cemented together, probably an old well dislodged from its former hiding place up on the now eroding cliffs. Ever curious, I attempted to prop it upright to get a better look ... and in the process it fell square on my right foot, crushing it into the sand.
Thankfully, I had on my $14 well-worn gray faux-Uggs which cushioned the impact. And my ever patient husband admits that he had to try twice before he could lift the monstrosity off my foot so we could hobble half a mile back up the windswept beach to the car.
Let's just say that it's given that old phrase 'a ton of bricks' a startling new meaning.
Long story short, my foot quickly swelled up in a most unattractive fashion and has evolved into a hoof-of-many-colors, mostly propped up and iced the past 11 days. X-rays show it's not broken. I'm grateful, yes. But let's just say there'll be no cute sandals, much-needed pedicures, or perhaps even a shoe that doesn't hurt for quite awhile.
Speaking of damaged feet {you can't make this stuff up!}, last summer, a grandchild ended up with a ginormous splinter in her tender little foot which took forever and a day to remove. Trust me, it was a trauma for all within hearing range. I swore that it was finally time to completely tear down the rotting deck with its shards of splintered wood that threatened anyone young / brave / foolish enough to walk on it unshod.
We're following through. A three season porch is coming to be, thanks to my husband who gets by with a little help from his friends. And much to my delight and ongoing suspicions that our backyard just might be a site of an old farmhouse dumping ground, a few very fun pieces of dishware, an 1850 bottle, and other interesting bits and pieces have come to light in the upheaval and digging.
I don't know what's more exciting ... the excavation's findings ... or that outdoor space that's destined to become my new favorite room?
I think it'll be the room.
'I have become clear about at least one thing: self-care is never a selfish act - it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give it the care it requires, we do so not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.'
~ Parker Palmer
I honor my mom as we celebrate her 88th birthday. She's a very private person who probably won't be all that excited if / when she spies this picture. But she's the light of our lives, a godly, kind, never-a-complaint inspiration who keeps us all where we need to be, the gently powerful matriarch prayer warrior. Three generations of her family and her seemingly endless supply of friends and fans all arise and call her bless-ed.
I'd love if you'd pray for her in this challenging season of her life ...
Bless your springtime, your Easter gathering, and your beloved people.
He is risen indeed ~
P.S. I'm already chomping at the bit over our next Book Club Open House! Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 19th and grab your copy of Adam McHugh's The Listening Life: Embracing Attentiveness in a World of Distraction! As I hit the publish button, the Kindle edition is crazy-priced at only $3.99!
Please check out all the details ... Sneaking a Peek At Our Next Life-Saving Book.
And if you've never subscribed, now's the time and here's the place.
P.S.S. Lord willing, we're going to be talking about the pitfalls of blogging in April ... the situations / emotions / decisions that trip us up or find us kind of vulnerable. I'm not quite sure where we're going with this, I just know we're headed in that direction. Give me some input, please!
penguin & fish artist unknown