Porch #98 * 2023's Biggest Hits (& the clunker that went nowhere)

Well hey there.  Happy July 4th weekend!

Can you believe that the first half of 2023 is gone?  Over and done with.  Finished.  Kaput.  So let's take a look at the three editions of PORCH that sparked the biggest conversations so far this year.  And the essay that went nowhere.  (Even though I thought it was kind of read-worthy.)

Click on the titles to go down memory lane.

When all is said and done, blogging would be a boring place to be without your creative feedback, wise opinions, and encouraging words.  Thanks for hanging with me, friends.  Clunkers and all.  Be sure to mark your calendars for the celebration of our 100th edition of PORCH coming in two weeks, 'Lord willing and the creek don't rise.'  

Subscribe if you haven't already.  You won't want to miss the party, I promise.

Without you, there'd be no blog.  Pure and simple.  Interacting with you keeps this space going full steam ahead.  Until the Lord says otherwise.  


What can I say?  You guys couldn't get enough of the lobster roll.


The dining room shelves got a great big round of applause ... and you shared heaps of motivation to get me going on the kitchen.  (We finished this past week ... scroll down for a sneak peek.)


No doubt about it, we're all fans of book talk, little libraries, and everything reading-related.


And then there's the essay I loved that turned out to have very little response.  😕  Go figure ...

No One Has a Crystal Ball
'we resort to a variety of passive aggressive tactics as we pout or dole out the silent treatment to an audience whose energy has already been drained by yet another manipulative performance ...'


'Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God.  Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer.  I find myself praying for you with a glad heart.'
Philippians 1:3-4 (The Message)

gentle conversation & calming snapshots
uplifting linkage & occasional surprises
for those who delight in doing life
in the company of kindred spirits

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 I happily share my work on these bloggers' websites - Paula & Jeanne & Donna & Richella & Lisa