See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up,
do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19
Here I am, dear friends, bleary-eyed as I burn the midnight oil penning this post after a few hours of tending to a whole lot of accumulated paperwork. The gathering, sorting, skimming, reflecting, filing, and tossing.
Pieces of this last year and a half have made their way into my hands. Literally.
For many {but not all}, the pandemic has gradually been receding from the forefront of our minds and we're beginning to wonder what's next. Maybe not consciously. But there's no way we can live in the midst of upheaval, uncertainty, and unsettledness for an extended period of time without it leaving its mark on our souls and impacting who we see ourselves to be.
Before we hop, skip, jump, or crawl into the season ahead, before those calendars begin to steadily fill with activities and obligations and invitations that {truth be told} we didn't miss one single bit, I offer you 8 questions to consider in the presence of the Lover of our souls, the Holy One who numbers our days.
We sit quietly in His presence with expectant hearts so we're able to travel onward without invisible burdens or unfinished business. We purposely invest in this sacred space so we can begin to unpack our experiences, discern His healing touch, a gentle direction, an opening door, a fresh opportunity, an updated calling.
For we find ourselves in an immense transition that we've never before experienced. A fresh wind is blowing. And the upcoming fall of 2021 is no time for doing business as usual.
During the pandemic -
* What did you yearn for?
* What surprised you?
* What did you lose?
* What did God invite you to?
And now -
* What's stirring inside?
* What are you done with?
* What's your biggest fear?
* Is God beckoning you toward 'a new thing'?
Dear Lord,
You've carried us through the storm. Some of us have sailed through with little trouble. Others have encountered desperation, fear, sorrow, stagnation. Yet You never left our sides even when we had trouble sensing the warmth of Your presence.
Praise be.
Give us an expectation that You will open unknown and unexpected doors in the days ahead. Surprise us with Your bountiful wisdom, creativity, and joy. Thank You that You redeem our hurts, traumas, and griefs in ways that we never dreamed possible.
We've looked backward so that we can move forward to what You have ahead for us. To be, to do.
We're all Yours.
In Jesus' name ~
As always, I'd be honored to hear your observations and discoveries ~
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