In Which I Share 6 Unprocessed Thoughts

Dear Friends ~

This is one of those mornings when that old yearning to connect with you is strong ... and maybe urgent ... but in the best of ways.

But believe it or not, I'm not sure what to say.  Except to share these six subjects currently gently ricocheting between mind and heart, yet not entirely processed and massaged enough to merit an actual post

1.  I'm pulling together a list of my best ever summertime reads so your beachbag will overflow with worthwhile volumes.

2.  I'm emerging from 2 1/2 weeks with family in and out, back and forth.  I'm still sifting through the all the laughter and activity, the energy expended, the memories crafted.  But most especially, I'm cherishing the quiet one-on-one moments that cropped up, both well planned and totally unexpectedly, that filled my heart to overflowing.

3.  I could talk about some of the lessons I'm re-learning as I read through the book of Matthew in The Message.  About how God can give us a powerful spiritual legacy even when we've screwed up big time {1:6}.  The command to stop calling attention to ourselves {6:1}.  The need to stop playing the judgmental know-it-all {7:1}.

4.  And then there's prayer.  Pounding on heaven's door for those saints who are living with deep and chronic physical pain and those precious souls, young and old, who live with ongoing brain health issues.  It's often a futile search to find the right words so more and more I'm simply sitting quietly with God repeating, Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy.

5.  I know I'll shed a few tears at the July 4th parade when the bagpipers come parading down the street ... and I'll think of how much my dad reveled in that kind of noisy pageantry and how much I miss him.  It'll be four years next week since God suddenly took him home as he cleaned up the kitchen after dinner ... the day after we moved to the Cape to do life with him and my mom.

6.  And then there's the refugee crisis.  God have mercy ... all I can do is send you right over to Christianity Today to lament with Max Lucado and other spiritual leaders in Grieving Our Broken Border.

That's all for today.  I hope this holiday finds you well, grateful, content ... wherever you may be physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Bless you, bless your home, bless your gatherings ~

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