{And for those of you who were left wondering ... no, it had nothing to do with our marriage!}
In the process, I demonstrated exactly what can easily happen when our emotions build up over time, swirl around unexamined and untended deep inside, and end up spewing out all over whoever might be around at any given moment.
You can read that unfortunate out-of-control saga right here just in case you missed it.
{ sigh }
Thank God for forgiveness.
Now, let's move ahead with that promised little series on emotional health. I thought I'd come up with an easy-to-follow handy dandy plan, but honestly I have no idea where we're going with this.
That's right. No 1-2-3's, no A-B-C's.
The ball's in your court, my friends.
I'm going out on a limb and am choosing to write this series based on your responses to the posts.
We're going to forge ahead, inviting the Holy Spirit to take the lead on this for He specializes in guiding us into all truth {John 16:13}, even as He whispers, 'this is the way, walk ye in it' {Isaiah 30:21}.
Let's see what He is going to teach us together as we dialogue back and forth about emotional health, an essential aspect of who He's shaped us to be.
Let's stop believing that emotions are a big bad word or an unpardonable sin.
Let's not ignore their reality or pretend that they don't exist.
Let's put an end to being afraid or shamed or daunted by their power.
Let's not keep shoving one after the other some place way down deep until they rise up unbidden and threaten to swallow us whole with out-of-control outbursts, terrifying anxiety, the heavy blanket of depression, or a wide range of life-altering addictive behaviors.
Let's not let our emotions call the shots, damage our relationships, or destroy our testimonies.
Instead ...
Let's pay attention as soon as our emotions come to call, and claim the time to look at these messengers that whisper the truth about what we're feeling. And then choose right then and there to understand what the churning's all about.
Let's learn to make pro-active choices to thoughtfully respond in ways that tap into God's awesome power, show respect to others, and give grace and peace to ourselves.
Let's ask God to somehow redeem our emotions.
Let's stop saying, 'I'm angry.' Because you are not your anger.
Instead let's give ourselves full permission to calmly say, 'Right now I feel ...' whatever the emotion is.
For we are not defined by our hurt, frustration, fear, sadness, disappointment, or whatever we happen to be feeling at that moment.
We are defined by our Savior.
Let's talk emotions - where you're at, what you're struggling with, how you've been convicted, and what God has taught you along the way.
You'll give hope to someone who'll read your words. Your willingness to be transparent lets another reader breathe a huge sigh of relief, even as they whisper, 'oh, you, too?'
Email readers, go right here to jump into the discussion.
If you're not comfortable leaving a comment, please email me at lindastoll@juno.com and I'll add your thoughts into the online conversation, just using your first initial to protect your privacy.
Please share this series with your social media tribe! I'm guessing you've got a few people around you who're feeling rather emotionally spent right about now.
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