My plans were to jump right into a little series on emotional health, but for some reason it's not coming together. I can dream up some excuses, but the stark truth is that just like you can't hurry love, you can't force imagining, creating, writing. Any good thing of value must flow from a place of unhindered freedom, not cobbled together from some kind of calendar notation or mandated to-do list.
Later. We'll do it later. Promise.
I'm shaking my head at November's reality. The heat kicking on this morning reminds me that summer is long gone, that the holidays {gasp!} aren't all that far away. You might not be ready to go there, but I do have one essential question for you to consider before we start galloping into that frenetic pace and it's right here.
Meanwhile, a glance at the unmade bed with its flannel sheets and electric blanket, the toasty slippers on my feet, and my dad's old fleece bathrobe wrapped tight all serve to remind me that chill has descended. Tucked away are the beloved flip flops, tee-shirts, and shorts. Last night I donned a fuzzy purple scarf as we headed out the door. The fleece vests are already getting a workout and the gloves aren't far behind.
Every season has its own winsome pleasures. Yummy stews and sauces and pot roasts simmer all day in the crockpot. Candles sparkle in the windows at dusk, throws and quilts land on every chair, piles of magazines await in the big old turquoise enamelware bucket, and the living room rug's been unfurled yet once again.
Cozy has become the name of the game.
The fire pit we ordered will be arriving any day now. We'll be sitting outside close together with great mugs of steaming hot cocoa in hand {extra whipped cream for me, two marshmallows for him} as we burn the huge pile of old cedar shingles he tore down when re-siding the garage.
If I get especially motivated, I'll head to the kitchen to bake a batch of blueberry scones to keep that hot cocoa company. Check out this favorite recipe right here.
I do believe that winter's right around the bend. And much to my surprise, I'm embracing it all.
This year's 3rd Stocking Stuffer Giveaway is coming up, along with that Emotional Health series! Help me get going on that by letting me know what you need to read either in your comments or via And thanks to those who've already done so. Be sure to subscribe here so you won't miss out!
Better late than never