A Bouquet of Rainbow Colored Life-Savers

'I gotta write this afternoon, I've just gotta write,' I announced to my husband early this morning, the oak stairs and my old bones creaking in perfect harmony as I headed down to start the day.

Not missing a beat as he hammered away at his own keyboard, he replied, 'I knew you would.'


Since we returned home from celebrating our 40th {in tandem with my college roommate and her husband doing the same!} a few days ago, that yearning, the all-too-familiar craving to write once again has been gnawing at me, a relentless beckoning that could not be denied.

But there were suitcases to unpack, an empty fridge to fill, baskets of laundry calling my name, and a couple of much-needed naps to indulge in.  I wanted to reconnect with our scattered family, there was church this morning, and a bunch of odds and ends that every un-packer needs to tend to.

And as I've walked through every comforting step of welcoming ourselves back home,  I've been writing and re-writing today's reflection in my head. 

I love these little end-of-the-month reviews ... call them whatever you like ... what we've learned or what we're into or what's saving our lives {here's the 3 things that saved my life last year}, these posts are all about noticing what's going on around us and capturing and claiming gratitude as we do so.

Because gratitude awaits patiently to be embraced.  Bountiful bouquets of sacred life-savers are everywhere we look, if we dare.  The grand, the daily, the planned, the surprises.  The ordinary, the milestones, the unobtrusive, the simple.

God's unexpected blessings are strewn right and left through each and every day, offering each of us that needed invitation, a life-giving wellspring, a refreshing oasis of sorts.  And any encounter with the Almighty is always a cause for celebration.

For He is absolutely worthy to be praised.

This month?

It's been joyous, this early celebration of a lifelong marriage we savored last week ... right down to spotting a seemingly very out-of-place rocking chair that welcomed us homebound at Miami airport's Gate D33 ... the only rocker I saw in the whole mammoth place.  At our gate.  In one of my favorite colors.  {See the matching phone?!}

Go figure.  Another grace indeed that let me relax and catch up with what YOU'VE been writing!

Living colors right and left ...


safely whisked away just a few hours
ahead of the descending snowstorm

at water's edge, we inhale the sun's warmth &
 listen to the soothing song of wind whistling through the palms 

a curious sign in alligator country

i'm mesmerized by Bahamian colors ...
the benches lining the sidewalks

the ancient doors guarded
by wonderful old locks

the quirky rafters overhead

meanwhile, huge ships & little patrol boats
sail majestic seas

and yes, along the way, we check on things back home ...
because 40 years later, it's not just about the 2 of us anymore 

the perfect remembrances ... glorious seaglass & shells
& abandoned toys scooped up along sandy beaches

Here's to 40 more ~

* * * Got kiddos in your life? * * *
Be sure to come back on Tuesday to enter the giveaway of
Sarah Young's brand new book, Jesus Today: Devotions for Kids!
{The link is now live right here!}



sharing what saved my life this month with
Emily  .  Leigh  .  Anne
Anita  .  Kelley