On the Porch #20

We're On the Porch with another random weekend conversation, you and me chatting about whatever ends up on the table.  

Think open house + small group + your BFF + book club + your therapist + TGIF all coming together to join forces.

The welcome mat is out especially for all those new readers who've joined us as subscribers this past week.  If you somehow missed the losing-all-my-subscribers drama, that saga is here

Believe it or not, that Feedburner list that disappeared and is completely unaccessible somehow still sent out the last post to those who've been longtime subscribers.  

Go figure. 

So ... if you get two copies of the same post in your inbox ➔ 

Keep the email that has the brick building logo at the top of the page.  The subject line reads Posts from Linda Stoll for {whatever date}

That's the one you subscribed to this past week.  It comes to you via my new best friend, Mailchimp, whose logo is at the bottom of the page!

*  If you're getting another copy of the same post with no brick building logo, scroll down to the bottom left and click on the tiny unsubscribe now button.  This is the old Feedburner email that is going out of business.

There is no brick building logo on the Feedburner email.  The subject line reads Linda Stoll ...

Any questions?  Confused?  Join the club ... and please let me know.


➔  Click here to listen to this beautiful song of praise.  I heard it yesterday and couldn't wait to share it with you.  

➔  Debby's Let's Make a NOT To-Do List is a wonderful mindset to embrace as we head into summer.

➔  And put your feet up with not one but two stacks of summer reading material from these voracious readers - Michele's Did I Hear You Say You Want to Go Deep with Your Summer Reading? {I've read 1!} and Sarah's June 2021 Christian Book Picks {I've read 4!}


Congratulations to our oldest granddaughter, Lydia Joy, as she graduates from high school.  Sometimes there are no words to share all the emotions that stir in a grandmother's heart.  Yet there are sacred words that Lydia has claimed as her own, that reflect her personal journey of discovering God's loving heart for the world ...
'Look around at the nations;
watch and be amazed!
For I am doing something in your days
that you wouldn't believe,
even if someone told you about it.'
Habakkuk 1:5

Click here {and scroll to page 10} to read Lydia's story, I Just Feel So Full on Mission.

I love you, My Lydz.  I'm confident that God is going to use your joyful willingness to impact lives for His Kingdom.

'Choose your absence so that
your presence 
has more impact.' 
Emily Freeman

I'm looking forward to connecting with you in the comment section, but otherwise will be pretty much unplugged the next week or two as extended family comes to the Cape ... and goes and stays and more family comes and goes and stays some more.

I can't wait.

Bless your busy June days ~

P.S. #1
There's no time better than now to re-subscribe / subscribe to the blog.  With Feedburner going out of business, don't risk missing a single post.  Click here!

P.S. #2
I'll be stopping by real quick at Lisa'sJeanne's, and Richella's.

On the Porch * Father's Day Edition  >>