Blogging . . . 13 Years Later

Good sunny Saturday morning to you, friend!

Back in the deep mid-winter of February 2008, I took my first extremely tentative steps into the blogging world.  The anniversary of my quite unremarkable debut tip-toed up quietly again this week, tapped me on the shoulder, pulled at my heartstrings.  In some ways I'm surprised to still be pecking away at the keyboard after all these years, dreaming up something of value every week or so to offer you.

But when I think about it for just a bit, it's not at all a surprise.

I love blogging.  Period. 

I know, I know, there are many voices out there that say it's passe, old-school, and completely outdated.  Honestly, I can't help but be just a tad offended and a bit insulted when I hear those kind of descriptors.  But honestly, we're all not published writers, podcast whizzes, instagram gold, or paid subscription newsletter editors.

We're simply folk who love the experience of fingertips tumbling over keyboards, dialoguing in the comment sections, jumping into the weekly link-ups, visiting other writers, championing their work, learning from their creative wisdom.  

Doing life together with room for plenty of conversation along the way. 

Blogging has become as natural as the air I breathe and I enjoy the connection with like-minded spirits, the iron-sharpening iron relationships that have taken root with so many of you over the years.

Blogging's been a faithful, steady companion, a comfort of sorts during unwieldy transitions, seasons of grief, and random uncertainties.  And more than ever, continuing to cultivate the blogging life has been a God-given lifeline to the normal rhythms, the weekly cadence that we've all yearned for during these troubled months.

Along the way, I've become an attentive student, a grateful beneficiary of all your wisdom, life experience, creativity, humor ... and most of all, your passionate walk with our Lord and Friend, Jesus.

For sure I've learned much along the way, like writing when I have something to say and not because there's some kind of life-draining schedule mandating it.  I've learned that mentoring others and having others mentor me is always a needed call.  I've become more aware of unpleasant emotions like fear or jealousy that can raise their ugly heads at the oddest times.  And I've learned what to do with those unwelcome calling cards.

I talk about the tendency toward sloppy boundaries and tyrannical numbers and misplaced focus right over here ... and I came up with 6 keys to help you be the boss of your blog which you can read right over there.

I hope you'll head on over to these links when you have a few more minutes.  Maybe some of my hard-earned lessons will save you a bit of angst along your own long term writing pathway ... or help you navigate your ongoing creative interactions.

Here's to many more years of writing our hearts out, doing life together, one encouraging / wise / witty / godly / perceptive conversation at a time.  May Jesus Christ be praised.

P.S.  And speaking of blogging, here's some recent offerings from sister bloggers that hit home for me.  Both new aquaintances and long time comrades, their words are worth your time.  And please tell them Linda sent you!

Have a great weekend.  And please do subscribe right here before you run off!

Donna @ Serenity in Suffering

Lois Flowers

Michele Morin

Debby Hudson

Nicki Schroeder

Jean Wise

Mariel Davenport

Theresa Boedeker


linking up with
JeanneRichella  .  Lisa