This One's For Anyone Who's Not Feeling Especially Strong & Courageous Right About Now

My dear, faithful friends ~

Right off the top, thank you for all the loving care you've lavished on me in recent days.  Comments, prayers, emails, texts, cards ... I feel so very blessed that you're walking with me through my health crisis with such warmth, concern, and spiritual strength.

You guys are the absolute best, so gracious, so kind.  Bless you for the ways you've reached out and touched my heart.


Who would have dreamed a week or two ago that we'd find ourselves right in the middle of such an immense international crisis.  Not one of us is immune from its impact.  Our lifestyles, our habits, our expectations have been drastically altered, whether we like it or not.

It's all so surreal, like a bad dream that we hope to wake up from.  Except this is no dream, this is real life and it's staring us right in the face with enormous ramifications that we've yet to fully grasp.

I'm hearing you're concerned about your parents, children, the grand-kiddos.  You're wondering when testing for the virus will ever show up in your area.  You question if you should get together with a friend ... or not.  Your job looks like it might evaporate.  You're more than a bit concerned for your loved ones who are on the front lines.  Your church is figuring out how to minister creatively and powerfully in these days of extremely limited gatherings.

And when will there be toilet paper and those sanitizing wipes on store shelves again?  They are nowhere to be found.

The roads are empty, the stores {and libraries, oh no!} are closing, cancellations abound, our calendars are clearing ... and just when I was starting to feel like a lunch out might be a distinct possibility, well, the restaurants are no longer serving meals.

I had to think more than twice before venturing out to a doctor's appointment yesterday ... and the front desk had a mask on me within 90 seconds of walking through the door.

As one granddaughter has been fond of saying, 'plans change.'



I love the first chapter of Joshua, the sixth book of the Old Testament.  This mighty man of God is mourning the loss of his leader, Moses, God's giving him orders to head to the promised land ... and giving him vital commandments and huge promises for the daunting battles ahead.

And over and over again, four times to be exact, God commands his beloved servant to 'be strong and courageous.'  Verse 6.  Verse 7.  Verse 9.  Verse 18.

In verse 9, we see that God knows Joshua so well that He understands that if Joshua isn't already terrified and discouraged, he'll probably head in that direction ... and He reminds Joshua that He, God Almighty, 'will be with you wherever you go.'


You might not be terrified right about now ... or that might be what's most true about you.  Maybe worried or inconvenienced, discouraged or concerned fits you better.

How about scared?  Overwhelmed?  Anxious?

Whatever, you'll find no judgement from me.  I absolutely hear where you're coming from.  I've often been amazed at how fear and faith co-mingle, how anxiety and trust somehow hold hands in the darkest of times.  God understands, He knows we are human and fallible, broken and frail, even as we're loving Him deeply.

God alone knows what our future holds.  No scientist or politician or pundit really has a clue.  I'm finding great solace and immense peace in that truth, even as I am quicker to turn off the TV with its endless anxiety-producing drone of information, speculations, opinions, and pronouncements.

We move forward, trying to be wise, yet generous.  Caring for ourselves, yet sensitive to the needs around us.  Leaning on Jesus much more than our own understanding and trusting that He'll clearly guide us closer and closer to His loving, faithful heart ... no matter what happens next.


How's the coronavirus impacting you and your family?

What are you learning in the process?

What's your prayer request?



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