Dear Friends ~
Frost sparkled on the porch roof as I looked down from the bedroom window this morning. Any doubts that autumn had arrived quickly disappeared as I smiled at those icy diamonds sparkling in the sunshine.
This was the week that the last of the summer clothes were stored away in my big ol' childhood dresser in the corner of the basement. The week where I hunted for slipper socks in the dead of night because I couldn't get warm enough ... and the week I finally stocked up on a ridiculous number of cinnamon sticks for future mugs of mulled cider.
And yes, even though I was not at all ready for its arrival this year and held on to summertime as long I possibly could, this is my favorite season.
In the next few days, we'll plug the electric blanket in, get those storm doors installed, place the candles in awaiting windows, and roll out the carpet, literally, in the living room.
Autumn, I'm so very glad you've come and settled in. You are most welcome here.
The Lazy Genius Collective
Michelle DeRusha
Kristen Milligan
Kimi Harris
RAINN {Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network}
Sara Austin
Emily Freeman
Addie Zierman
I've got a love / hate relationship with technology. Figuring out how to get a DVD going requires focused concentration on clearly written step-by-step instructions. Panic creeps in quickly when a password refuses to let me into a must-access website. These days, I do my online business with a bit more purpose and then close the laptop and go on my way. A twinge of relief and a sense of freedom washes over me ... and if possible, I think the rapidly aging laptop feels the same way.
This month I deleted 1300+ emails. Removed my name from a bunch of lists and unsubscribed from a few blogs. Maintained my goal of having an almost delightfully empty inbox by the end of most days. If that's your goal, too, you'll probably enjoy my post, In Praise of the Empty Inbox.
My faithful phone died a slow, peaceful death after 4 years of service. I'm still learning how to navigate my new phone and in the process have chosen to refuse an endless parade of intrusive notifications startling me with obnoxious noises. Yes, I hear the phone when a call comes in, a little blue light blinks politely when an email hits the inbox, and a single inobtrusive bing lets me know when a text arrives.
As much as possible, gentle silence has become my byword and my lifeline.
Peace, be still.
Last week it was the Chris Tomlin Holy Roar CD. In the weeks ahead I'll be donning my Santa hat and be working overtime to share some sweet gift-giving giveaways with you, my dear and faithful readers! I've lined up some treasures for you including one of my favorite books ever. A beautiful art journal. The NIV Adventure Bible: Polar Exploration Edition for kids.
And who knows what else?!
Click here to subscribe so you don't miss an opportunity to jump right into these giveaways! I'm so excited!
Pam sent a recent email with this link - 'Praising the Lord for this great blessing for RAHAB and eager to share this with you!!
And then Becky followed up with this message -
Hi Linda, Becky here.
Hi Linda, Becky here.
First of all thank you for your review of Bring Me A Vision. You are spot on when you cover the importance of having someone in our lives to come along side us to help the broken see their worth. Pam has been and still is that person for me!
This has been a rough season for our country. Seemingly unsolvable divisions abound. Our national discourse is rough and harsh, kindness is in desperately short supply, and it seems like there's no end in sight.
You had asked about the plans for the grant that Rahab was awarded. Although there are many arms to the ministry I would say that the Safe Houses are the most costly. With this grant Rahab will be able to move forward to open its 18 bed home for the minor victims of sex trafficking. The home is complete and paid for however the cost of staffing and operating such an enormous home is approximately $500,000 annually. Some funds will be put in reserve for emergency as well. The other vision for the ministry is to open a home that will be for Mom's with children. The needs are endless and the money will help meet some of those needs.
We continue to thank the Lord for all His provision and remain obedient to His calling for Rahab.
Thank you again, for support and for prayers!
I'm glad that Pam and Becky have let me share their good news with you all. Click here to check out what God is doing at RAHAB.
I'm glad that Pam and Becky have let me share their good news with you all. Click here to check out what God is doing at RAHAB.
As Christ-followers, while we might strongly differ with others on politics or policies, we are called to love our neighbors well. Our fellow sojourner across the aisle is not the enemy. The Enemy of our souls prowls around looking for whoever he can devour. The evil one can only rejoice in our combative rhetoric, our distinct lack of lovingkindness, and our blood pressure raising dialogue.
I rest peacefully knowing God is in control. All our hope rests in Him. He is the One we trust. Praying that His will be done loosens my own opinionated agenda, allows me to have a better chance to respectfully listen to those I might not agree with, and respond in ways that truly honor Christ.
More days than not, I've been turning off the news sooner rather than later ... and find myself singing quietly as I go about my business, 'Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy on us.'
Be kind. For everyone you meet
is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
- author unknown -
Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.
- Ephesians 4:32 -
Kind comments only, please ...
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