When Family Celebrates Together : : The Snapshots

June gathered family far & wide together
real close
cozy close
for priceless days that melded one into the next

 from hither and yon they came & we shared close quarters 
& played loud inside & out
joyfully eating great big messy meals around a table too small

there always seemed to be a trail of footwear
in the oddest places

but far surpassing all the beach fun & the games 
the blazing firepit & the bike trail jaunts
was my niece's baptism at the hand of her dad,
 in the bright blue bay on the sunniest afternoon ever

& my sister's grandbaby, the sweet girl they call MK,
 didn't miss a single beat,
 soaking in the joy of family doing life together,
even if only for a few short days


sharing summertime with
Leigh  &  Holley