The last golden days of October have arrived. Meanwhile, we're living with the awful surreal reality of the mass shooting in next-door Maine. The whole world has gone mad with torment and grief, our politics are completely off-the-rails, and holiday excesses are just around the corner.
Lament matters.
I don't know about you, but I need to acknowledge these stark realities even as I purposefully refocus and recalibrate, reflecting on things that are good and lovely, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). I know no other way to continue forward.
The soothing art of dabbling with watercolors. Choosing to purposefully quiet our ragged souls. Falling in love with the Scriptures yet again. And my take on blogging as 2023 edges toward a close.
Here we go.
In the cacophony of life's demands and pressures, God invites us to intentionally still and quiet our souls. When we let our soul rest in God's presence, we no longer come to him as an infant scrambling for sustenance or demanding his attention and action. Instead, we become like a content older child who just wants to be near for the sake of the relationship. -Mindy Caliguire, Soul Care
If the Old Testament leaves you daunted and dazed, if the New Testament seems completely unrelated to those first 39 books, The Story of Scripture will turn your faith walk upside down and inside out. I can't speak highly enough of Dr. Mark Yarbrough's presentation, a fascinating journey through the Word of God that connects Genesis right up through Revelation.
After eleven in-person sessions in one weekend, I left with a whole new biblical worldview, in awe of God's covenant plan for those who love Him. Finally, all the pieces fit together.
This course taught by Dallas Theological Seminary President Yarbrough is now FREE online. Yarbrough is a dynamic combination of scholar theologian, gifted leader, and enthusiastic storyteller. Click here to check out the course. Is it time for you to go back to school?
Something's going on in the blogging world. People are shifting gears. Link Up gatherings aren't what they used to be. Some writers are heading off for greener pastures while others are exploring fresh creative outlets in other social media venues.
The pressures of family life, health challenges, and work responsibilities cramp our style and drain us dry. We lose heart, passion, and focus. It's not uncommon for former prolific blogging dynamos to simply fizzle out, fading from view without a trace or a farewell.
But despite all this, I do believe that 'old-school blogging' is not only here to stay but is beginning to re-emerge as a force to be reckoned with. I'm hearing of people disillusioned with FB and Insta and whatever Twitter is calling itself these days. There's a yearning for good solid writing and old-fashioned dialogue. Less competition and comparison, more collaboration and community building.
All that said, I'm pulling the pieces together for my next venture. I'm anything but technologically literate so I'm immersing myself in a labor of love that's stirred with a hefty dollop of apprehension. (You might remember that I almost lost not one but two websites all within a span of five minutes. And I actually lost my entire subscriber list three years ago in the bowels of the internet. What a train wreck. Thankfully, many of you hung on with me and God has blessed this work.)
Anyway, you, my faithful sojourners, will be the first to know what's next. I'm kind of excited about what He has in store. I'll be back in a week or two. Maybe three? I've learned not to rush into anything new but to honor my need to move slowly.
Grace and space.
I think you'll like what's coming down the pike. Hold your breath, say a prayer, stay tuned.