What are you writing these days?

'I've always believed in the therapeutic value of writing.  At a very early age, I realized that I think better with a pen in my hand.  I'm not a journal keeper, but for most of my life I've been a champion notetaker, documenting everything ... The scratch of a Pilot Precise V5 roller pen feels pleasingly analog in a relentlessly digital world, as if I were knitting something - and in a way I am.  The physical act knits concepts together in my memory and makes them part of a whole.

The cool thing is, research backs this up: Studies reveal that when we write things down by hand, we're better able to recall that info later.  And as both devoted diary keepers and brilliant novelists know, writing helps knit ourselves back together, too ... If we read to know the world, we write to know ourselves.  When we put our experiences down on paper, we make meaning out of them, and when we share them, we invite others to not only feel what we felt but find themselves in our stories.'

I've always found satisfaction in putting pen to paper.  All those jumbled up bits and pieces swirling 'round my brain somehow begin to make sense when seen in black and white.  Random thoughts magically come together, ideas and images join forces, thoughts and plans and brainstorms happily rub shoulders, relieved to find themselves as kindred spirits heading in the same direction.  

And if the process unfolds well, a spark may slowly ignite something of value or become a tool that keeps life moving down the right track.

For years I journaled until I found it cumbersome, repetitive, and depressing.  But I find writing out prayers to be a powerful experience.  And grateful to have 35 years of notes scrawled in the margins of my Bible.

I do love a shopping list on the back of an envelope, a to-do list on the left side of my desk, a good quality wall calendar.

The convenience of texting has gotten in the way of hand written notes and cards.  I'm trying to head back to that gracious, old-fashioned kind of correspondence.  You, too?

These days I'm toting around one of those stenographer's pads to keep ministry thoughts, notes, plans in one place.  Actually the one I'm using right now was my Mom's, who never met a notepad she didn't love.

And you already know that blogging's in my blood.  I'm sure I never would have made it through the hard transitions and deep grieving and that awful season of covid without its faithful rhythm and the community that's emerged from it.

Thank You, Jesus.

Along the way, a few people have encouraged me to write a book, but I can't even imagine.  The stress of it all!  Ugh.  Writing brings me life and hope and satisfaction.  Heading toward any kind of publication would drain me dry.

So ... what are you writing this week?  If you've got samples or links, I'd love for you to share with the rest of us.  What's working for you just might prime the pump for the next person.


Thanks to those of you who support my work by using the Amazon links here to do your regular shopping.  No extra cost to you, ever!

shout-outs to these faithful blog hosts
Paula & Jeanne & Lisa