gentle conversation & calming snapshots
uplifting linkage & occasional surprises
for those who delight in doing life
in the company of kindred spirits
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
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soulspace |
I browsed through the over-stuffed racks, searching for a few Mother's Day cards that gently acknowledged that life and love are hard. I quickly shoved most of them back into their plastic nests. The messages were utterly inane or ridiculously unrealistic.
Finally, tucked way on the side I found several that said exactly what I longed to say. I paid for them and then went on my way, wondering why we can't be more honest about how we really feel about what's going on.
Yes, even and especially on Mother's Day.
Your Mother's Day may be filled with candy and flowers and bright shining children serenading you as they serve you a delightful breakfast in bed and cater to your every whim like you're the queen of the universe.
I hope this is true for you. I really do. God bless you. Please enjoy every minute.
Or you simply might not want to get out of bed at all. And wouldn't even think of darkening the door of the church because you just cannot imagine seeing all those happy faces (many of whom are living your reality, you just don't know it).
Death has visited your family. Or your dreams have gone up in smoke. Or perhaps an overwhelming combination of all kinds of losses come bubbling to the top on the holidays. The grief is so real and palpable that you don't quite know what to do with it all.
Sadness, hurt, regrets, disappointments, pain, frustration, and sorrow all crowd on in and whisper lies that masquerade as truth.
But God says that you are beloved. Valued. Priceless. Forgiven. Unlike us humans, He's not going to pass away. He won't leave you, betray you, or drop out of sight. He's not going to change like shifting shadows or give you an attitude or be disrespectful to you. His love is faithful and kind and will last 'til the end of time. And beyond.
Wherever you find yourself this weekend, overflowing with joy or laden with sorrow, I pray that you will have peace in your heart knowing that you've loved the best you could with what you had at the time. And that the Spirit will bring good memories to comfort you and a life-giving measure of hope for tomorrow. And the next day.
Do something kind for yourself, ok?
And if all is well, reach out to a sister who's struggling. You won't have far to look. Or maybe forward this to a griever who needs to know that she's not alone.
Mother's Day on the Porch
A Thank You Note to Our Spiritual Mothers
Reflections For An Uneasy Mother's Day