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i'm so happy you're here
Jesus specialized in asking simple, straightforward questions. They weren't designed to trick people and went straight to the heart of the matter. They invited people to pause and look deep inside at their aching spiritual poverty.
John 5:6 says, 'would you like to get well?' or 'wilt thou be made whole?'
Well, of course we want to be well. Why would He even ask?
Truth be told, we might be scared senseless at the prospect that life could actually be different. We've settled into a rut that we have no idea how to get out of. Or we really don't want to be bothered to make the choices necessary to begin change. We've long ago run out of hope and nothing we've tried has worked.
We might admit that's its not a healthy place we find ourselves. It might be a dysfunctional reality, but at least it's familiar and it's working for us in some odd, twisted way. Because who might we become if Jesus healed us of our brokenness?
What would life look like if He freed us from being defined by our shame or our grief or brain health issues or weird family dynamics? Who would we be?
Click here to see who you are in Christ. When you come to the end of your own striving and freely hand your life over to Him, you won't be defined by your messy mistakes and sinful choices and lousy circumstances.
You are defined by your Savior. And yes, He wants you to be spiritually, emotionally, and relationally whole.
Dear Lord,
I pray for those who find their way to these words today. You know where they're coming from, You know what they're searching for. Only You truly understand what they've been through and the restless unsettledness deep within.
May they say 'yes' to Your loving invitation to become Your beloved child. You alone, God, know the sinful stuff that needs the forgiveness only You can give and the yearning within that can only be filled by Your lovingkindness.
Welcome them into Your family, I pray, where they'll find hope and peace, freedom to be who You shaped them to be, and eternal life with You.
In Jesus' Name ~
Let's talk about Jesus!