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'Prayer is not asking God to endorse and resource your plan for your life. Prayer is recognition that the One who made the world, including you, knows what's best for you. As the psalmist says, "the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether" (Psalm 19:9).
Prayer is not bringing your list and asking God to sign on the bottom. Prayer is handing God a blank sheet that you have already signed and trusting Him to fill it out as He sees fit.'
- Paul David Tripp
would have been delighted
on the day of her funeral
As we entrust our dreams, hopes, and desires to His tender leadership, He gives us light for each moment and sweet reassuring glimmers of the road ahead. He holds us close to His beating heart as He carries us safely through those treacherous valleys that would easily swallow us alive if we were venturing alone.
His loving guidance fills us with hope and assurance as He whispers, 'peace, be still.' For He knows the end from the beginning.
Keeping in pace with His sacred rhythms frees us from having to figure out every last detail. And choosing to invest our energy in enjoying His companionship rather than playing the know-it-all grows our faith ... and gets us where we're going in a much calmer frame of mind.
He leads. We follow. Our souls overflow with unspeakable gratitude.
- How Calming the Relief When We Relinquish Control
July 2016