Hey, dear friends!
Sometimes you just KNOW when it's time to pretty much unplug from online's incessant pull. And for me that's right about now!
October has found this single-tasker fairly focused on pawing through and re-organizing bins and drawers, file cabinets and closets, trunks and shelves. Furniture has been moved or put out on the end of the driveway with a FREE sign on it. The garbage cans overflow, goodies are passed to other family members, the shredder works overtime ... and the thrift shop will be happy when we drop by again tomorrow.
The coming weeks are filling fast with a bunch of online classes, long-anticipated {courtesy of covid} days with family and friends, random appointments ... and hopefully an adventure or two. And so I'm stepping back from blogging for a bit so I can be fully present for whatever God has in store.
And while I'll miss connecting with you in this space, I've never regretted taking time away from screens and blogging. Nothing revitalizes me more than living life away from the laptop. It's good for body, brain, and soul.
Meanwhile, I'm happy to leave you with a bouquet of recent finds that have touched me deeply. Check out the morning meditation app, a couple of truly outstanding podcast episodes and a few penned gems that are soothing, creative, rejuvenating, calming.
The musical benediction is the icing on the cake.
Miss you already ~
Thanks to my dear friend, Nancy, for sharing that dreamy picture up top.
P.S. #2
Our last two chats were just plain fun - Joyful Single-Tasking and the follow-up Little Sister Spilled the Beans.
P.S. #3
If you want to know when the party starts again, be sure to subscribe before you head off.