The thought of claiming One Word to concentrate on this year never even crossed my mind. Are you kidding me ... with everything coming at us from every which way, leaving us all out of sorts, unsettled, and simply living one day at a time?
Truth be told, I had jumped on the One Word bandwagon back in 2013 and again in 2014 just because it was the thing to do. {Not exactly a decent decision making platform, right?} Before I knew it, my good intentions seemed to vanish into the wind and it wasn't long 'til I wouldn't have known my chosen mantra if it hit me in the head.
I was never purposeful in my pursuit of putting those words to work in the dailyness of life and that was the end of the subject.
A month or so ago, my friend Lisa started spreading the word {no pun intended} that she not only had a One Word, but she was going to create an intentional community for other like-minded souls.
I love community and decided to go for it.
I settled on a One Word at least 6 times, but just wasn't feeling it. And then one morning I read this challenge from Chuck Swindoll and I knew I'd hit gold -
'Serendipity occurs when something beautiful breaks into the monotonous and the mundane. A serendipitous life is marked by surprisability and spontaneity. When we lose our capacity for either, we settle into life's ruts.
We expect little, and we're seldom disappointed.
Though I have walked with God for several decades, I must confess I still find much about Him incomprehensible and mysterious. But this much I know: He delights in surprising us. He dots our pilgrimage from earth to heaven with amazing serendipities.'
I'm intrigued by what it would look like to enter into each day with eyes wide open and heart fully expectant. To capture the delightful, the winsome, the joyful, the amazing, especially now. Focusing on the little things that normally would escape notice. Claiming gratitude in the discoveries of 'whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy {Philippians 4:8}.
I'm keeping it simple, short, and sweet. Because life is already complicated enough. And I have no idea what's around the next corner.
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