I'd Rather Be Reading * Grand Finale

Our Autumn Book Club has been filled with serendipitous conversations, tucked in between posts on discovering your best creative rhythms and finding God in the midst of the crazy seasons and a winsome invitation to help take the stress out of holiday decorating.

Nothing heavy or ponderous or earth rattling these days.  But hopefully there's been lots of good food for thought as we enter the holiday season.  It's been a lovely ride, hasn't it?

I hope you find a delightful book or two to take you through the next month and a half.  Here's a peek inside my bookbag.  Stress relief, indeed.

'Til then, let's talk about our final quotes from Anne Bogel's I'd Rather Be Reading 

'Reading is often viewed as a solitary act; that's one of the reasons I love it, and it's certainly my favorite escape and introvert coping strategy of choice.  But reading is also a social act: readers love to connect over good books.  If I read a book that legitimately changes my life (what a find!), or a book that becomes a new favorite, or even a breezy novel that's tons of fun, I can't wait to talk about it with my fellow readers.'
- Chapter 20, page 138

'We are readers.  Books grace our shelves and fill our homes with beauty; they dwell in our minds and occupy our thoughts.  Books prompt us to spend pleasant hours alone and connect us with fellow readers.  They invite us to escape into their pages for an afternoon, and they inspire us to re-imagine our lives.  Good reading journals provide glimpses of how we've spent our days, and they tell the story of our lives.'
- Chapter 21, page 145


A bit weary of endlessly scrolling through my phone or paging through 4 month old magazines in waiting rooms has led me to at least try to remember to bring along a slim volume to page through while idling time away ... an easy reading, lightweight book tossed in my bag or stashed in the car.  If you haven't grabbed your own personal copy of Anne Bogel's sweet I'd Rather Be Reading, I hope you'll do so.

It's that kind of cherished companion.

Your hardcover is here ... and for all you Kindle fans, your volume is right there.  And yes, as an Amazon Associate I earn from your qualifying purchases when you click on these links. 

Let's talk about how you keep track of what you read {here's what my reading journal looks like}, the serendipity of a kindred-spirited book club discussion, and the title of the book that you're carrying around this week.



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