Hey, my friends!
I don't know about you, but I just can't quite wrap my head and heart around the fact that autumn is already one week old.
But so it is and it was well worth the wait. Warm, golden days intersecting with breezy, cool nights just perfect for sleeping deep. Pot roast, spaghetti sauce, or chili bubbling away in the kitchen. Fleecy vests pairing up with flip flops. Long walks in the neighborhood, on the bike path, at the beach.
Oh so fine.
This month sent us off on a bit of a family road trip from Massachusetts to Kentucky and back again all in five days. We cheered our oldest granddaughter and her great uncle {who she hadn't seen in 15 years} as they ran a race to raise money for missions, took in The Ark for a day {don't miss the buffet!}, visited the homestead and graveside of my husband's parents, had a blast at an afternoon mini-family reunion {complete with the tradition of huge bowls of homemade vanilla ice cream}, grabbed a few hours at Niagara Falls, and checked out every pool and hot tub we could find along the way.
And I'm so excited to announce our Fall Book Club selection will be Anne Bogel's serendipitous I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life. We'll kick off our discussion in just a few weeks! I have one copy to give to a randomly chosen person who leaves a comment on this Loose Ends post by this Friday, October 4th, 9 am {eastern, US only, please}.
Grab a hot cup of tea and your favorite quilt, put your feet up, and read on ...
The final stop for the Exhibition will be in Asheville, North Carolina. If you're a Downton fan and you can get there, don't miss out on the adventure!
1. Marriage counselor / coach / blogger Beth Steffaniak is resurrecting her Sloppy Joe Time videos and I couldn't be happier. If you're ready for spot-on personal stories mixed with wisdom and humor, you'll love her. This video's a favorite of mine ... the need for us women to cultivate healthy relationships with our girlfriends and not demand / depend on deep heart-to-heart conversations from our husbands every minute of their lives. 2. Our friend Adam 'The Listening Life' McHugh is doing the keynote address at The Introverted Believer: Finding Solidarity In Their Solitude Conference next April In Illinois. A conference that doesn't overwhelm and exhaust introverts and send them heading for their rooms at the first possible moment? I'm guessing this might be a first.
3. Don't you just love this fresh new idea of sharing food with those in need? Check out Little Free Pantry ... Feeding Neighbors, Nourishing Neighborhoods. This might be the outreach you've been dreaming of.
Lois Flowers
David B. Feldman, Ph.D.
Pam Ecrement
Emily Freeman
Steve Austin
Joshua Becker
Susan M. Pfeil
Ruth Haley Barton
Amy Spencer
Maija Kappler
you'll find me on Tuesday's
After a bereavement sabbatical following the loss of my beloved niece Jessica, I'm re-opening the doors to my counseling office, The Nest.
I can't begin to say enough about the GriefShare support groups and their top shelf videos and superb workbook. I've recommended them to clients in the past, but now I'm personally benefiting from attending a local group this fall.
It's one thing to know something in your head, but it's a whole other thing to experience it in your heart. If you're grieving the loss of someone dear like I have been, please take advantage of one of these Christ-centered healing communities.
Find one near you.
Find one near you.
Meanwhile, my husband rolled up his sleeves and pulled together a lovely new entrance way for my clients ... complete with shiplap on the walls and a much improved staircase. A little shopping therapy allowed me to scoop up some pretty decor that's the icing on the cake. Yes, you still have to walk through the garage, but the welcome mat is out again.
Click here to find out more about the counseling services I offer.
I'm just all kinds of excited about our next Book Club read ... Anne Bogel's I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life. One of my favorite books from last year, this slim little volume is sheer delight ... and we'll be kicking off a 6 session discussion beginning, Friday, October 18th!
Curling up with this little treasure is like sharing conversation with friends over our mutual affection for books. Anne is smart and fun and has an exquisite flair for writing. Over time, she has accumulated a vast knowledge of a number of genres and knows how to pull her reader in and get you excited about the reading life.
She chats about her life long love affair with books, the serendipity of living next door to the library, how books seem to find their perfect reader. She drops hints on organizing your shelves to suit you best ... and admits 'bookshelf envy.' She talks about her one day stint as a bookshop seller, and clarifies why it's not a great idea to be 'book bossy.' And along the way she drops the names of a number of titles that'll have you enlarging your own must-read list.
I've got one copy to give away to someone who comments on this Loose Ends post by this Friday, October 4th at 9 am {eastern, US only}! Mark your calendars and spread the word to your bookish friends.
Hardcover - $7.20!
Kindle - $6.84
Curling up with this little treasure is like sharing conversation with friends over our mutual affection for books. Anne is smart and fun and has an exquisite flair for writing. Over time, she has accumulated a vast knowledge of a number of genres and knows how to pull her reader in and get you excited about the reading life.
She chats about her life long love affair with books, the serendipity of living next door to the library, how books seem to find their perfect reader. She drops hints on organizing your shelves to suit you best ... and admits 'bookshelf envy.' She talks about her one day stint as a bookshop seller, and clarifies why it's not a great idea to be 'book bossy.' And along the way she drops the names of a number of titles that'll have you enlarging your own must-read list.
I've got one copy to give away to someone who comments on this Loose Ends post by this Friday, October 4th at 9 am {eastern, US only}! Mark your calendars and spread the word to your bookish friends.
Hardcover - $7.20!
Kindle - $6.84
If you missed my JUMBO early fall edition of The Bookbag, it's right here. And I had such a good time pulling together the photos for #MyCozyFallHome mini-series which is right over there. Bloggers, I'd love to have you share your absolute best post from September ... please do link up!
October, here we come ~
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and 3 Surprising Reasons You Shouldn't Forget
On the Porch * Medical School,
Depression, and Re-upholstering Furniture >>
On the Porch * Medical School,
Depression, and Re-upholstering Furniture >>
you'll find me on Tuesday's