JOMO . . . Here I Come!

Let’s invest in our own space well. Our interior spaces, our living spaces, our relational spaces. Let’s quiet ourselves, simmer down, be content with less stimulation, inspiration, and opinions. Let’s mind our own affairs, working with faithfulness within our homes, jobs, and resources, with full focus, clarity, and bringing the first-fruits of our best selves.  
Aimee Kollmansberger
A Middle Mercies Blog Post


It's the joy of missing out.  It's replaced FOMO.  The fear of missing out.  And I'm all in.


This is my last post for a few weeks.  Or four or six.  I don't know when I'm coming back.  All I know is I will return at some point.

Lord willing.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
- 2 Corinthians 9:7

As winter crawls to a close, I've been feeling that old striving creeping in ... those vexing whispers of ought or should or must or need to when it comes to blogging.  These demanding kind of taskmasters have the propensity to knock a cheerful heart right out of commission.  They serve as rather persistent informants that things have gotten a bit off kilter.  

For any wisps of authentic creative energy or spiritual insight are held hostage and rendered ineffective when reluctance or compulsion come to call, put their feet up, and burrow into one's heart-space.


I've been craving more peaceful stillness in extended times with God.  I am sitting, listening, reflecting these days with these two women and am finding them to be excellent quiet time companions.  These superb resources are encouraging me to slow way down and focus more fully on the Lord rather than what might be awaiting on my ever-present phone.

Christ-centered, calming, soul nourishment.

'Spring cleaning for the soul.'  Yes, please.   


As the weather warms up a bit, I'm heading outdoors again ... walking, exploring, connecting with people and discovering new places and opportunities that are in front of me, right here, right now.  And I'm more than happy to return home to putter and create and make and re-imagine and rearrange my surroundings.

And I have an upcoming procedure to remove a little fingertip 'thorn in the flesh.'  Literally.  Ugh.  Knowing that tapping away at a keyboard might be a bit painful for a time has been the needed confirmation to say yes to God's whispered prompts to embrace a blogging sabbatical.


I'll respond to any comments you leave, will pop in on LinkedIn from time to time, and you might spot me at a blog here and there.  But otherwise, my footprints will be light and my voice will be fairly still. 

Honestly, I'm missing you already.  Truly.  I'm guessing it'll take a bit of time to detox from the blogging schedule I've embraced this winter.  Releasing and reclaiming the time and energy I invest in this space will require some focused effort.

But all will be well.

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$25 Amazon gift card
is the gifted writer


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