There's something challenging about sharing a post at someone else's place. Even though you might know a number of her readers, you want to put your best foot forward because you're a guest in her home and you want to honor her gracious welcome with an offering that's in some way meaningful or provocative or eye-catching.
And, truth be told, you hope that maybe you'll gain a few new readers of your own in the process.
I've been mulling over about a half dozen different topics for this post. But Isaac's story keeps coming back, haunting me, whispering, 'share this, share this.'
And so I will.
Click here to finish reading The Call to Lay Your Isaac Down over at Mary Geisen's. And please do let her know that Linda sent you ...
The Becoming Mrs. Lewis Book Club & Giveaway begins THIS THURSDAY, February 21st! Join other enthusiastic bookish friends as we delve into the improbable love story of Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis.
It's not too late to grab your Kindle edition at Amazon!
Every last detail is right here. And please do subscribe so you won't miss a single enlightening discussion of this historical fiction masterpiece. There's room for you at the table, friend ...
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