'The frenzy we call the holiday season is a mad dash of tinsel and toys, driven more by consumerism than anything else, and creating a perfect storm of anxiety that can easily cause us to miss God's voice.
Ironically, the season that marks the arrival of the Prince of Peace has somehow begun to leave us feeling frantic, stressed, alone, and peace-less.'
Waiting Here for You:
An Advent Journey of Hope
- Giglio -
Waiting Here for You:
An Advent Journey of Hope
- Giglio -
Welcome to Advent Open House. Each day until Christmas, we'll join hearts as we gather together in the seasonal waiting room we call Advent. For we are linked by hope and wonder, yearning and contemplation ... kindred spirits, courtesy of our Savior's lovingkindness.
Here you'll find a simple photograph and just a few words ... maybe Scripture, a prayer, or a song.
My hope is that in this hustling, bustling season, you'll find your visits to be a gently peaceful oasis, a bit of needed white space, and a calming grace in the crazyness of all that pulls at you ... the seemingly endless planning, shopping, decorating, wrapping, baking, cooking, and get-togethers.
Perhaps what happens in our moments together will fortify us all to say 'yes, please' to what is most needed and necessary as we wait for Jesus ... and that we'll find a courageous discernment to let go of everything else that clamors for our wearied attention.
Here you'll find a simple photograph and just a few words ... maybe Scripture, a prayer, or a song.
My hope is that in this hustling, bustling season, you'll find your visits to be a gently peaceful oasis, a bit of needed white space, and a calming grace in the crazyness of all that pulls at you ... the seemingly endless planning, shopping, decorating, wrapping, baking, cooking, and get-togethers.
Perhaps what happens in our moments together will fortify us all to say 'yes, please' to what is most needed and necessary as we wait for Jesus ... and that we'll find a courageous discernment to let go of everything else that clamors for our wearied attention.
Subscribe here so you won't miss a single day. And if you'd share Advent Open House with your social media friends, I'd be so very grateful.
Want to join me in creating your own Advent Photo-A-Day? All the info you need is right here at Tim and Olive's. If you share your photos on social media, please tag them with #adventphoto2018.
Want to join me in creating your own Advent Photo-A-Day? All the info you need is right here at Tim and Olive's. If you share your photos on social media, please tag them with #adventphoto2018.
because God has poured out His love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.
- Romans 5:5 -

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Advent Open House
Mary & Holley