Dear Friend ~
July's been lovely, hasn't it? I want to capture each and every grace, every unmerited favor that God has allowed me to enjoy. Soaring squawking seagulls, little smiles, sweaty daybreak walks, comfy shorts and well-worn flip flops.
Simple suppers on the grill, the crashing sound of wind and waves, late night reading marathons, surprise answers to fervent prayers, fresh corn on the cob, conversations that go deep.
Extra helpings of patience and humor when my natural supply drastically waned.
Leisurely visits with dear friends and quart bags of blueberries safely jammed in the freezer.
And the promise of the days ahead, hopefully filled with quiet adventures with all 6 of my little people and their delightful parents.
As has become my custom, I won't be blogging for some / most of August. I'm not all that good at multi-tasking and too much excitement drains my energy tank. Like many of you, recent months have brought challenges, decisions, and bittersweets to our extended family. So I plan on focusing on what's happening right in front of my nose in these next weeks. Spending more quiet time with the Lord. Pretty much leaving my laptop shut tight and my phone upstairs somewhere on my desk, idle and unattended.
If you leave a comment here, I'll most definitely be responding.
If you're writing online, there's a good chance I'll stop by your place but will most likely leave quietly without saying 'hi.' I hope you won't find that rude.
If you drop me an email, I'll answer it, but not as quickly as I usually do. I think you understand.
See you later.
And yes, I miss you already!
one final visit with