I'm excited to introduce you to Bouquet.
A gathering of top notch posts from my online travels, a handful of absolute best discoveries. These are thought-provoking, soul-stirring writings that have hit home for me, good stuff I believe is worth the investment of your valuable time.
relationships . ministry . emotional healing
simplicity . leadership . creating
self-care . spiritual growth
Perhaps one will soothe your spirit and maybe another will stimulate your mind. You might find yourself informed, challenged, or inspired. Maybe you'll agree ... or not so much. You never know what or who is going to show up.
Here and there, I'll be sharing a Bouquet with you right before a weekend to give you something to mull over and chew on during those days when most of us are reading, but not necessarily writing. And I don't want to hand you the links and simply walk away, but instead would love chat back and forth with you after you've read something that catches your eye.
Yes, you!
We might not be able to put our feet up together over a cup of coffee in person {wouldn't that be just too wonderful?!}, but we can make good use of the comment section to connect. {Email readers, click on the title of the post to come on over and join the conversation ... or simply listen in.}
And if you've got a whole bunch of time on your hands, here's a whole month's worth of my recommendations on LinkedIn, updated every few days. Bookmark it, ok? I'd love for you to connect with me there ... and feel free to Like and Comment.
Today's Bouquet ...
So I Quit Drinking - Sarah Bessey
The Loneliness of Leadership - Ruth Haley Barton
When I Am Bipolar - Alia Joy
5 Signs You Need a Technology Detox - Joshua Becker
What does it mean to remother yourself and why is it so critical for our growth as women? - Annie Wright
Overcomers has been our theme this past week. Mandisa and Kisha and Tyler. You and me and the victories God has so graciously given in our trials. The winner of a copy of Mandisa's brand new CD, Out of the Dark, is Andrew Budek-Schmeisser.
Andrew's no stranger to many of us who've been following his challenging journey, Your Dying Spouse. #302 - I'm Not Me Anymore is a superb glimpse of who he is and where he's at.
I had to smile when I randomly drew his name, because if anybody is an overcomer, it would be him.
Congrats, man ...
so you don't miss any bouquets, giveaways, & other stuff