This one's for all those spiritual mothers who've led us on the way.
Those faithful souls who shared wisdom laced with integrity and joy. The ones who brought comfort to our sorrows big and small. You took us by the hand and modeled what loving Jesus and serving God looked like.
You, the souls defined by music and melody who taught eager hearts and little lips to sing sweet Jesus songs that remain with us to this day.
And the stalwart teachers who patiently showed us how to tuck Bible verses deep into our hearts with wonderful flannel graph stories accompanied by pots of sticky glue adhering to bits and pieces of multi-colored crayoned construction paper.
Mamas and grandmamas. Aunties and Sunday School teachers. Pioneer Girl leaders and music instructors. Camp counselors and youth group leaders.
And in years to come, it was those faithful women's Bible study leaders who took us deep into God's Word week in and out. And you nurturing Titus 2 women modeling a lifestyle of significance and impact. Dear friends who had weathered their own journeys, emerging just a few steps ahead of us along the way, your own souls just a bit battered and worn, yet strong and fragrant with the aroma of Christ.
Those oh-so-wise professors and the heaven-sent spiritual directors and counselors, coaches and mentors who patiently sat with us and our endless questions and concerns, the challenges and doubts. You empathized fully 'cause you'd 'been there, done that.'
You modeled for us fledglings how to gracefully enter unknown territories, influence in board rooms and meetings, our heads grazing against stained glass ceilings in churches that didn't quite know what to do with us. You bore the bumps and bruises with us and taught us how to be filled with courage, mercy, and truth.
You tenderly showed us how to listen quietly to the Spirit's promptings and embrace His calling on our lives with a hopeful anticipation.
Your wise guidance led us to make ourselves fully available to the Spirit's leading and discernment and power for ministry.
Your lives helped us claim the truth that that tender hearts mingled with a godly courage could send us far, build us strong, shaping us into humble servants fully available for Kingdom work.
You are our Proverbs 31 women, filled with beautiful valor and integrity, godliness and strength. All of us who've been shaped and grown through your generous tutelage join hands and proclaim, with tears in our eyes and hearts overflowing, that with everything in us, we 'thank God upon every remembrance of you ...'
i'd love for you to share this ode of gratitude
with your spiritual mothers ...
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and i'd love for you to
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