So ... where did summer go?
Fall tchotchkes have been displayed on local store shelves since the beginning of August. The kiddos are corralling their brand new school supplies and heading for the buses. September weekends are filling up with lovely events. An evening walk in this neck of the woods now invites a windbreaker to come along for the ride.
But before we hustle into autumn's high gear, I want to slow down and linger before summertime slips away too quickly. Yeah, the weather's been a hot steamy mess, but yet I'm in no hurry to see these golden days fade. So before we kiss this season good-bye, let's consider Episcopal pastor / professor Barbara Brown Taylor's superb query, 'what's saving your life today?'
Or rather ...
Here's the 3 graces saved my life last year. And for this summer? 4 come to mind ...
Yep, I stopped with the excuses and have been walking up a storm this summer, actually venturing out to do a 5K ... my first one ever. So what if I was the last one to cross the finish line? I walked while everyone else was running and the racing horde literally left me in the dust, my 7 and 9 year old grandkiddos effortlessly zipping miles ahead of me.
But just making the decision to embrace the challenge was significant for this decidedly non-athletic / wanna-be-healthy / just-about-61-year-old woman. My family cheered me over the finish line ... and yes, my feet are still paying the price. But this personal victory was worth every single step.
You might remember I told you last month that I know God has something 'round the bend. I'm still not at all sure of the what / when / where / how. But my resume is updated, my letters of recommendation are in hand, and 250 business cards are patiently holding court in my desk drawer. The details are still murky at best ... yet I'm confident He'll be unfolding the path I should take in the days ahead. And that's good enough for me.
Talk about a leap of faith, huh?
Sure it's fun to have the whole gang together. But my most prized moments are those rare quiet ones as just two of us stroll or color or read, nosh or cuddle or play with our tablets. I cherish those 1-1 random unplanned encounters where we simply do a bit of life together. And it's amazing how in those solitary moments, they often open up and share what's on their tender hearts or rattling around their always active minds.
It just doesn't get better than that.
All that early morning online running around too easily morphs into a weird striving that pulls me away from a rich quiet time with the Lord. His invitation to get serious about focusing on Him has become a gently persistent yet gracious tug on my rather self-absorbed heartstrings.
These days I'm figuring out what it looks like to develop a more meaningful sacred relationship with Jesus, saying 'yes, please' with greater enthusiasm to the One who loves me best. I'm finally getting a bit more creative and ramping up my devotional life by purposefully choosing a different medley of Bible study, worship music, intercessory prayer, devotional readings, journaling, artwork, prayer walks, or biblical meditation that delightfully varies every time I meet with Him.
For He is so very worthy ... and I am so very needy of His gracious loving presence.
So ... how 'bout you? Let's talk about what God's used to save your life this summer!
Fall tchotchkes have been displayed on local store shelves since the beginning of August. The kiddos are corralling their brand new school supplies and heading for the buses. September weekends are filling up with lovely events. An evening walk in this neck of the woods now invites a windbreaker to come along for the ride.
But before we hustle into autumn's high gear, I want to slow down and linger before summertime slips away too quickly. Yeah, the weather's been a hot steamy mess, but yet I'm in no hurry to see these golden days fade. So before we kiss this season good-bye, let's consider Episcopal pastor / professor Barbara Brown Taylor's superb query, 'what's saving your life today?'
Or rather ...
What were God's unexpected blessings, compelling invitations,
refreshing wellsprings, or life-giving oases during these recent months?
Here's the 3 graces saved my life last year. And for this summer? 4 come to mind ...
Yep, I stopped with the excuses and have been walking up a storm this summer, actually venturing out to do a 5K ... my first one ever. So what if I was the last one to cross the finish line? I walked while everyone else was running and the racing horde literally left me in the dust, my 7 and 9 year old grandkiddos effortlessly zipping miles ahead of me.
But just making the decision to embrace the challenge was significant for this decidedly non-athletic / wanna-be-healthy / just-about-61-year-old woman. My family cheered me over the finish line ... and yes, my feet are still paying the price. But this personal victory was worth every single step.
You might remember I told you last month that I know God has something 'round the bend. I'm still not at all sure of the what / when / where / how. But my resume is updated, my letters of recommendation are in hand, and 250 business cards are patiently holding court in my desk drawer. The details are still murky at best ... yet I'm confident He'll be unfolding the path I should take in the days ahead. And that's good enough for me.
Talk about a leap of faith, huh?
Sure it's fun to have the whole gang together. But my most prized moments are those rare quiet ones as just two of us stroll or color or read, nosh or cuddle or play with our tablets. I cherish those 1-1 random unplanned encounters where we simply do a bit of life together. And it's amazing how in those solitary moments, they often open up and share what's on their tender hearts or rattling around their always active minds.
It just doesn't get better than that.
All that early morning online running around too easily morphs into a weird striving that pulls me away from a rich quiet time with the Lord. His invitation to get serious about focusing on Him has become a gently persistent yet gracious tug on my rather self-absorbed heartstrings.
These days I'm figuring out what it looks like to develop a more meaningful sacred relationship with Jesus, saying 'yes, please' with greater enthusiasm to the One who loves me best. I'm finally getting a bit more creative and ramping up my devotional life by purposefully choosing a different medley of Bible study, worship music, intercessory prayer, devotional readings, journaling, artwork, prayer walks, or biblical meditation that delightfully varies every time I meet with Him.
For He is so very worthy ... and I am so very needy of His gracious loving presence.
So ... how 'bout you? Let's talk about what God's used to save your life this summer!
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