If you're an introvert, there's a good chance you read Susan Cain's huge 2013 bestseller, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. And you probably breathed huge sighs of relief as you found yourself in every chapter. At last, someone finally gave clear voice to who you truly were ... and you felt so incredibly validated, uplifted, and empowered by the time you finished the last chapter.
{Not sure if you're an introvert or an extrovert? Take this little assessment!}
If you have younger introverts in your life ... kiddos, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, students, whoever ... you'll want to grab hold of Susan's brand new Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts. Her latest book is geared to 'tweens / teens and focuses on the big challenges they face in navigating schoolwork, the cafeteria, parties, extracurricular activities, peer relationships, and family life.
In a word, I think it's superb.
And while it might be written for the next generation, the author doesn't talk down to her target audience ... and the adults who read this little masterpiece won't find her style in any way childish. The illustrations are charming and Susan's practical wisdom and down-to-earth stories offer hope to quiet kids who are weaving their way through the oft' overwhelming maze of daily life.
You'll wish this book had been available to you back in the day.
Introverts have beautiful gifts, marvelous strengths, and unlimited potential. The more we understand ourselves and the unique way God has shaped us, the more we're empowered to live life big and bold ... but in ways that align with who we are. Giving this gift of insight to the kids in our lives is a priceless gift that equips them to soar.
I'll go out on a limb and predict that this will be THE parenting book of 2016.
If you're a teacher, a youth leader, a coach, or a parent of introverted children of any age, this is absolutely MUST reading. Here's the bounty of insight you've been searching for.
Explore Susan's comprehensive Quiet Parenting website, too.