The key that unlocks a man's heart, that equips him to be all he was created to be, is RESPECT. It's his truest love language, it's his finest motivator.
When a man feels respected, it unleashes a healthy power that enables him to love well. It's the juice that propels him to soar upward professionally.
And it's the sure foundation that allows him to lead with sensitive wisdom
in his home, church, workplace, and community.
in his home, church, workplace, and community.
Based on my years as a pastoral counselor, here's what I know to be true ... when all is said and done, just about every guy I've talked with feels 'less than' in some area of his life. Underneath the burden of whatever challenge he hauls into the counseling office, he has bought the lie that ... {continue reading}
I'm guest posting over at Alecia Simersky's Calling All Men Series today. If you've got any men in your world, you'll find what she's offering this month to be relevant and enlightening. And guys ... well, I sure want you to weigh in on this.