In Which We All Need an Imperfect Nook * Creating a Haven :: 6

Our dwelling places have been designed with a bunch of rooms and each set of four walls serves a specific purpose.  Kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom.

Yeah, we know that.  

Yet every home is filled with unexpected nooks and crannies, too.

And, most likely, one of those little corners has become your very own sweet haven.  It may not have dawned on you 'til right now.  But if you stop to reflect for just a second, you might have an 'aha' moment and realize ... {click here to finish reading}


I can't think of a better way to finish off the Creating a Haven Mini-Series than responding to a friend's gracious invitation to guest post at her place.  For it's never been about the house, the updates, the decor.  It's about swinging wide the front door and extending a genuinely warm, 'come on in, friend!'  

And that's what Debby Hudson has done.  

If you missed any of our Haven dialogues, here's the links.  I loved this series and the conversations that bubbled up in the process.  I hope you did, too ...

