You know.
It's that endless party where crazed mega-focused bloggers link up to the 31 Days site and then go on to write a post on a specific topic each and every day in October.
I skipped 2014 because by the time I was done in 2013 I was so absolutely exhausted that I needed to take a whole month off from writing to recover.
I wasn't going to do it this year. And then I was. And then I decided definitely NO WAY. Life's been way too stressful to add one more thing to my plate.
They say it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. I'm good with that.
Because on an early morning weekend walk, a whole bunch of serendipitous thoughts finally melded gently together. There's been a persistent yearning that's been tugging at my heartstrings and dancing around in my head that just won't let me go. A challenge that many of us continue to face and one that a few of you have been urging me to tackle.
And it finally dawned on me that God was whispering, 'it's ok, Linda, you can do this.'
And it finally dawned on me that God was whispering, 'it's ok, Linda, you can do this.'
So yes. I'll be burning up the laptop keys in October. Lord willing.
Call me crazy.
But do plan on following along, ok? We're going to have such a fabulously fun yet productive time around here. Hint ... can you say WORKSHEETS?
Even if you get my writings via your RSS feed, you'll want to be getting this 31 Days series in your email inbox so you can print out some of the posts the weekly worksheets.
Not to worry, you're not signing up for anything else. No lists, no surprises, no newsletters. I don't keep track of who reads this blog and I won't even know if you've signed up or not. And yes, you can easily unsubscribe when it's over if you've had enough of me.
Not to worry, you're not signing up for anything else. No lists, no surprises, no newsletters. I don't keep track of who reads this blog and I won't even know if you've signed up or not. And yes, you can easily unsubscribe when it's over if you've had enough of me.
Not a problem.
So click right here to sign up to start getting my posts ... and if you have any problem doing so, simply shoot me an email at lindastoll@juno.com and I'll take care of it for you, ok?
Are you going to be writing for 31 Days? If you are, I want to know about it 'cause I'm going to be following you.
And if you decide not to join the happy throng, I truly understand.
" " " " "
Click here to find out more about writing a post every day in October.