Our souls overflow with gratitude, Lord. For You hear our anguished heart-cries even though our feeble words can't begin to capture all that churns within. And You soothe us with Your tender whispered words of love.
Thank You that You truly get where we're coming from. We praise You for giving us everything we need for the hard work of life and godliness and mourning. Thank You for bearing our griefs and sorrows for they are too much for us to carry on our own.
In the heaviness of these days, lighten our loads by Your steady, uplifting, sacred presence. Hold us close as we ride through those painful waves that threaten to overcome us with their urgency. Bring us safely to peaceful shores. Restore our souls for Your name's sake.
And through the ups and downs that render us weak and frail, keep us always clearly mindful of Your steadfast love, Your amazing grace, Your forever promises.