I see you hiding in there.

Dear Quiet Email Buddies ~

I see you silently hanging out on the sidelines.  Yes, you.

You've told me more than once how much you enjoy the blog.  Or maybe I've never met you but you're a super faithful reader. 

I appreciate you so much.  Thank you for continuing to make space in your overflowing inbox and your busy week for me.  This post's for you!  'Cause you're a precious part of this online community even if you've never ventured over to leave a comment.

If you haven't already, would you please be brave and click right here, right now, to enter the $50 Barnes & Noble Gift Card Giveaway?  

You can do it, yes you can.    

No, you don't have to be a blogger or a technical wizard to enter.  

1.  Simply scroll down to the bottom of that post to the comment section.  

2.  Follow the prompts to leave your name and the title of the book you've read this year that you've loved the most.  Hit the PUBLISH button.

3.  Your comment must include your full name and the title of your favorite read so far in 2023.  It must be posted by tonightTuesday, July 18th at 9 pm (eastern).  The giveaway is open all readers who are US residents and you must be a current or new subscriber to enter.  The random winner will be notified by email. 

I'd like to get to know you better.  It'd mean the world to me to see you there ...
Linda 💙

P.S. (1+ hour later)
Having technical difficulties?  My apologies.  Simply email your comment to me and I'll post it for you!