I am excited to announce that I am now a Board Certified Mental Health Coach (BCMHC) as well as a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor (BCPC - 2007) through the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC).
I also received an M.S. in Christian Counseling from Cairn University in 2000.My focus will continue to be on ministry in the local church, facilitating support groups for women and partnering with other leaders to develop future care-giving ministries.
And, of course, continuing to do life with you and other kindred spirits right here on the blog, still going strong since 2007.
I love that God invites us to re-invent ourselves along life's pathway, using whatever gifts He's given in fresh and innovative ways. There's nothing I'd rather be doing than serving you and Him here ... and in the local church family where He has placed us.
Gratefully His ~