This gorgeous song.
'Silence may be more accessible than you think. Begin to notice the naturally silent spaces in your days - the first light of morning ... the walk to the mailbox, the drive to the grocery store. Rather than filling these times with sound or holding on to the soul clutter by rehearsing past conversations or future possibilities, decide instead to let yourself be quiet inside the silence.'
- Emily Freeman, The Next Right Thing Guided Journal: A Decision - Making Companion, pg. 22
Something Treasured
After months and months of missing milestones, brooding, praying, and connecting online, we're finally going to see our family in Connecticut and Maryland in the weeks ahead. And we are making hopeful plans for June and August. To say I'm excited would be a vast understatement. Click here and scroll down to see the fun we had last time we were all together.
This perpetual student is back to school yet again, working on getting certified as a Mental Health Coach. Find out about the program here ... the vision, the course work, the q & a, the professors ... and how to get free tuition!
I'm ready to do session #3 of 40. I've got a long way to go, but I'm on my way. And I'm grateful to be turning the corner and opening the door after a long, challenging, faith-stretching stint in God's waiting room.
Join me on this adventure?
Happy spring to you, my expectant friends. What fresh and challenging opportunities are begging for your attention?
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3 Substantial Conversations >>
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Richella . Lisa . Heather . Jeanne