The Name It & Claim It 8 Book Giveaway!

Greetings, my avid page-turning friends!

Who doesn't love a holiday giveaway?  Especially if it's a sincere thank you for all the loving encouragement you've poured into my life this year.  The compassionate kindness you've sent my way has been a true lifeline from above during some very dark days.  Your prayers have kept me going.  Thank you with all my heart.

Here we go with The Name It & Claim It 8 Book Giveaway!

I'm happy to be sharing a selection of lovely little books that are perfect for Christmas gift-giving, courtesy of my Mom's carefully stored stash!  I discovered these treasures while sorting through her belongings after she entered a care facility last month.  We chatted over the phone about the giveaway and she's absolutely overjoyed that these volumes are going find their way to the homes and hearts of this blogging community.

Love you, Mom!

I'm offering each of these books name it and claim it, first come, first served!  Tell me your choice in the comment section!  Your comment must link to your contact info or your entry will not be valid.  One entry / one book per person.  U.S. only.

The party ends when the 8 books are claimed or on Saturday noon {eastern}, November 21st, whichever comes first.  Books will have a line running through them when they've been claimed.


Click on each title to discover if that's the perfect selection for you to give ... or receive!  As an Amazon associate, I may earn a very small profit when you use these links.

His Princess Bride: Love Letters from Your Prince 

Sheri Rose Shepherd

A Moment with God 

Kay Arthur

The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life 

Bruce Wilkinson

Proverbs: Timeless Wisdom from the Bible in Expressive Calligraphy 

Timothy Botts 

Breakfast with God: Inspirational Thoughts to Start Your Day God's Way 

Honor Books

The Pursuit of God

A.W. Tozer

The Heart of the Amish

Suzanne Woods Fisher

Passages of Light 

Thomas Kinkade

Let the giving begin ~


P.S. #1  Check out these 5 Fabulous Books for Christmas Gift Giving!  Hint: 4 of the 5 have been featured as Book Club selections here on the blog 

P.S. #2  Bewildered over your Thanksgiving plans?  Hop right over to our Let's Talk Turkey conversation

P.S. #3  Please subscribe before you leave

P.S. #4  I'll see you at Jeanne's

Tuesday morning update - Every book has been claimed and the contest is now closed.  It's been so much fun, I think we'll do it again before long!


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