Happy summer weekend to you, friends!
I'm sitting at the big ol' table on the porch, the ceiling fan spinning 'round as I soak up the coolish breezes while a gentle rains fall. I've already lugged the thirsty ferns outside so they can enjoy the mist. The birds are going crazy at the feeders. All is well with the world.
I'm resurrecting the old Dear Linda series today.
Here's how we roll.
1. You send me a dilemma or a question.
2. I get your permission to answer it on the blog, either anonymously or with your name.
3. I offer my two cents.
4. I hit the orange Publish button.
5. Our little community offers you words of validation, empathy, and encouragement.
Today's letter? All about vacationing with adult children ...
Dear Linda ~
Please pray for me that I might be able to experience a true vacation for me, in my mind and my soul. Too often I feel so responsible for everyone and whether the family dynamic is perfect, everyone is happy, and it is overwhelming and heavy.
I'm going to try this year to make sure I have my grounding times of devotion and solitude before my days begin. It's often easy to forego that on vacation!
Exhausted Already
Dear Exhausted ~
Your old routine sounds wearying, stressful, futile! I pray your new mindset will bring a lightness to your spirit and enjoyment to your days.
When my family was here in June I told them I'd take care of Saturday night dinner and that was it. I had food in the fridge but not the typical overload that I normally do when the gang descends. I planned nothing ... meals, activities, comings and goings.
It was the best visit ever. Everyone figured out the details along the way and I didn't have to be in charge of anything.
The key? Remembering that there's no perfect family.
I'm only responsible for me. I can not make other people happy.
They are responsible for themselves, their attitudes, their relationships.
This takes the unrelenting pressure off to be all things to all people. 'We make it our goal to please Him' (2 Corinthians 5:9).
Pack your bikini and have a blast ~
Got a dilemma or a question you want to chat about? Simply email me at linda stoll @ juno . com or leave it in the comments.
And click here if you missed July's Loose Ends * Let's Chill Edition!