A warm hello and virtual hugs to all my nesting-in-place friends wherever you are. Here we are at the end of the month of March, 2020.
Uh ... what else can I say that hasn't already been said?
Except I'm making a very conscious choice as I tap away on my keyboard to live out Philippians 4:8-9 here with you during this most unsettling, traumatic season:
Fix your thoughts on what is true,
and honorable,
and right, and pure,
and lovely, and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent
and worthy of praise ...
Then the God of peace will be with you.
Something Loved
We kicked off the month with 5 of us gathered together to celebrate Mom's 90th birthday. My sister whipped up a scrumptious meal ... and I must say Marilyn's never looked better. It was an afternoon of recollection, laughter, an occasional wiped away tear, and Mom's typical full, enthusiastic appreciation for every card opened, every video sent by grands and great-grands, every morsel of food offered, every bit of love shown.
Life is not at all easy for Mom in this season, but her faith is rock solid and God is giving her more opportunities to share her love for Him with the aides that come to care for her. As our 10 year old granddaughter is fond of saying, 'God's not ready for Great-Ma yet - He still has work for her to do!'
Something Read
Gretchen Saffles
Chris Wheeler
Chris Bailey
Something Treasured
In the midst of the disturbing uneasiness, I can't even begin to tell you how much I was craving last week's Sunday service. A first for our church, it was the hugest blessing to be ministered to online. I'd say it's true that we usually don't know what we've got 'til it's gone.
If you don't have an online church home right now, I invite you to join us right here on Sunday at 10:15 {eastern}.
Thank You, Jesus, for technology. Indeed, for such a time as this.
Something Ahead
Blue, cloudless skies. Warm, sunny breezes. Opportunities to putter in the garden. Walk the beach. Re-connect with friends and loved ones in person. Sit on the porch and watch the birds do their thing at the feeders. Wide open doors for effective, creative ministry.
A keen sense of discernment for decisions that must be faced. Enormous helpings of patience for those we live with. Generous, joyful giving. Protection for those most fragile in body and spirit.
A keen sense of discernment for decisions that must be faced. Enormous helpings of patience for those we live with. Generous, joyful giving. Protection for those most fragile in body and spirit.
Answered prayers, miraculous healings. Surprises that bring big toothy smiles and not grief-fueled tears. A lovely meal out. Freedom from stress and anxiety.
Crafting huge s-mores around the fire pit. Browsing a store just for fun. Continued opportunities to reach out to our neighbors. A well-cultivated sense of humor.
Toilet paper. Disinfecting wipes. Purell.
Toilet paper. Disinfecting wipes. Purell.
Worshiping with kindred spirits arm in arm. A stop at the ice cream shop for a small dish of salted chocolate caramel. Freedom to be out and about without wondering and worrying. An unexpected financial gift.
Stronger, unwavering faith. Hope and peace built upon God's promises and the remembrances of His grand faithfulness. Great big celebrations of His lovingkindness.
And God's deepest grace upon grace for the sorrows we will bear.
And God's deepest grace upon grace for the sorrows we will bear.
Do share a few highlights of your month.
How have people reached out to you? How have you reached out to others?
How can we pray for you and yours who are first responders, who are teaching our children, who are serving us in the supermarkets and drug stores?
How have people reached out to you? How have you reached out to others?
How can we pray for you and yours who are first responders, who are teaching our children, who are serving us in the supermarkets and drug stores?
And please do subscribe before you leave. I'd love that ...
I'll see you at
thanks to Heather Gerwing
for her 4 Somethings prompt