That's what I'd say if you made your way down the winding drive and dropped in for a visit.
On the Porch debuts today ... occasional weekend conversations with you and me chatting about whatever ends up on the table.
Think open house + small group + your BFF + book club + your therapist + TGIF all coming together to join forces!
You never know who or what's going to show up. I like that.
➜ I might serve up some Scripture or some music that's hitting close to home, a bit of link love, a snapshot or two, or an 'aha' moment that's too awesome to keep to myself.
➜ This is the place for all my fabulous blogging friends to link up your finest post of the past week ... I want to give you every opportunity to get the word out about your amazing-ness.
➜ After four years, Dear Linda is finally back again! Ask your questions about relationship challenges, social media stuff, ministry leadership, homekeeping quandaries, healthy living issues. I promise to listen well to your heart and attempt to offer you some encouraging insight ... or maybe a bit of straight talk.
Click here to read a few Dear Linda posts.
Keep in mind that I'm a board certified pastoral counselor and a certified life coach ... not a doctor, lawyer, magician, biblical scholar, miracle worker, or licensed mental health professional.
I'd love to hear what's on your mind.
The bookish links that didn't make this week's My 12 Best Summertime Books simply because the post was already way long.
Enjoy ...
Ruth Haley Barton
Erin Loechner
Jerusalem Jackson Greer
Lisa Burgess
So very happy that you're here with me ~
Go ahead! Share your week's best writing, whisper a Dear Linda question {yes, you can be anonymous}, chat about one or two of these bookish links, or simply sit back and enjoy.
Go ahead! Share your week's best writing, whisper a Dear Linda question {yes, you can be anonymous}, chat about one or two of these bookish links, or simply sit back and enjoy.
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