Who doesn't enjoy reading their friends' end-of-the-month posts? Perhaps taking a peek at what's saving their lives in the current season? Or skimming through what a kindred spirit is loving, hearing, learning, and paging through?
Sifting through life's oft' random loose ends can be just plain fun. Sometimes thought-provoking, informative, or touching. That's what you've told me time and again.
Here's the bits and pieces of late January, what's giving me cause for pause and saving my life in the deep mid-winter by the sea ...
#1. Something Loved
- the final two Christmas cookies, fished out of the freezer and finished off one mid-January lunchtime
- grabbing a lovely bunch of lilac-hued tulips from Trader Joe's, still closed snug, touched with dew ... a fabulous steal at $4.99
- big girls love stickers, too ... like these bird ones right here and these iconic masterpieces, too ... talk about stress relief
#2. Something Said
- a curious granddaughter asks, 'Did you ride in covered wagons when you were a little girl?'
- a young pastor reminds his church family that 'God is King and you are not' ... and it recalibrates your controlling tendencies into a series of responses to life's challenges that are a whole lot healthier than they were before
- Brene's brilliant little video on the difference between empathy and sympathy ...
#3. Something Learned
- if you pray that God will surprise you, be sure that He will ... I promise
- a blustery, frigid weekend is the ideal time to hunker down under a pile of quilts and polish off a riveting first season of The Crown on DVD
- turning off your phone right after dinner helps you get to sleep a whole lot quicker when bedtime rolls around
#4. Something Read
Rachel Macy Stafford
Cheryl Smith
Beverly Garside
KJ Dell'Antonia
In the spirit of celebrating what Anne, Emily, Leigh, and Heather have invited us to along the way, I'd love for you to share the link to YOUR end of the month / what's saving my life / what I learned / 4 somethings posts in the comment section!
And please stop by and visit one or two others who've done the same!
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