Come, Lord Jesus, Come

I'm sitting here contemplating the sheer awfulness of yet another shooting in this country, the sheer awfulness of escalating evil, the growing violence and terrorism around the world, this steady slippery slide into the abyss of sin running rampant and out of control ... even as we begin our focus on the beauty and wonder of this precious advent season.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.

This is my steady prayer, this is the plea that lends itself to an inward peace.  It's the only worthy response to the incessant cacophony that barges in, trying to intrude on the gift of joy You've given.  This worldwide madness, this escalating chaos beckons us to yearn earnestly that You, dear Prince of Peace, would make Your earth-changing presence known to us in powerful ways, personally and as a global community.

As much as we might like to dwell in some kind of holy bubble, the truth is that we don't live in a vacuum.  We are connected not just by technology's far reach, but also by the truth that we are human beings, kindred spirits created in Your image.  How You must grieve that Your beauty, Your design has become so very marred and distorted.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.

Do Your holy work among us.  Bring peace to fearful hearts.  Somehow use all that swirls around us to draw us closer to Yourself.   Mold us and make us to be Your image bearers, to show the beauty and love of Jesus Christ to a wounded, crazed world who desperately needs what only You can give.

Protect Your children from harm and danger and evil.  Draw all men, women, and children to salvation in You alone.  Reign supreme, conquer that most evil foe, the restless enemy of our souls.  Unleash Your mighty power and Your awesome might so that all might see Your justice shine.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.