gentle conversation & calming snapshots
uplifting linkage & occasional surprises
for those who delight in doing life
in the company of kindred spirits
It's so good to visit with you again this weekend, friends. I always love these minutes we have together.
Cultivating our life with God is the most needful, urgent investment of our time, energy, and focus. From it flows all that defines us and our ability to impact others. I hope you'll find these 4 essays helpful in taking you there.
And the song is the icing on the cake.
Emily Freeman
Hannah Brencher
Ruth Haley Barton
Facing the Fear of Solitude
Richard Foster
Richard Foster
May you approach this weekend with gentleness, curiosity, and grace. May you find yourself leaning into wisdom, listening well to the lonely, and loving deeply from the heart. And may you hear the Spirit whisper, 'this is the way, walk ye in it' (Isaiah 30:21).