Welcome back to PORCH,
your go-to weekend companion.
your go-to weekend companion.
Embrace community.
Discover a fresh perspective.
Grow your faith in Christ.
Get unstuck.
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Discover a fresh perspective.
Grow your faith in Christ.
Get unstuck.
Share your story.
A long-ago-far-away friend texted me this winsome watercolor sketch on a particularly bad day recently. I'm a sucker for old aqua canning jars overflowing with loosely arranged, brightly colored blooms. I found my heart lighter in the hours that followed.
Let's hear it for old friends. The new ones, too. In person. Or the online kind.
i could watch her paint all day long
this sign for my wanna-be wildflower patch
create your own unique palette
create your own anxiety / depression / sad list {before you need it}
summer colors
summer book
summer book
flip flops

picnic blanket
picnic blanket
favorite summer dessert
* Did you catch this week's Let's Read! post? Mine never showed up in my inbox. I hope yours did. Check your spam / junk folder if this happens, ok?
* Don't Overthink It: Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, & Bring More Joy to Your Life was our first 2021 Book Club Selection! Click here to watch author Anne Bogel's lovely trailer and find out why this slim volume has become a re-read for me. If you pick up only one book this summer, maybe this will be it?
* The Martha Manual: (How to Do Almost Everything) is on sale for $1.99. Need to know how to bathe a cat? Fold a flag? Build a campfire? From organizing and fixing to growing and hosting, tag sales and tool boxes, this is a HUGE, gorgeous home care encyclopedia that you literally can carry in your pocket. Love this.
May the colors of God's sublime creation brighten your weekend ~
Thank you for your faithful prayers for Mom and our family and the kind, empathetic words you've offered. These months have been intense, sorrowful, and endless. Heaven continues to beckon her homeward. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
wildflower artist unknown
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